Monday, November 16, 2009

Awards Day

Hey guys!!!I went 2 my youngest sister's graduation concert a few days ago.She was participating in it n she was so... CUTE!!! Seriously!!! She was dacing n when she danced she was adorable!!! A few days l8 was my Awards Day. N it is fimally over n so is my voice... well nearly  xD.  Iam so glad tats over.D musicians who played d song were brilliant n so were d people who sang d solo. I wish I had tat part tho lol. It was a blast everyone clapped 2 d beat of d song while we sang I nvr had tat much fun b4!!! After all tat my BFF, Janelle, came over 2 my house. We exchanged news bout old times n gossiped a little while my 2 sisters destroyed my room  without me knowin.:s Jan also helped me do my Myspace which my rents finally agreed on letting me hv it. So happy!! :) 
N as I am typing this my sisters r doin somethin with my mothers perfume which I can smell fr here.N is givin me a headache so I must go now 2 check on themn 2 rerst my head. BB!!  

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