Thursday, November 12, 2009

All About Me

I am Amanda Lim and I am chinese. My nickname is Mandy or Aman ( my frens like 2 tease me bout tat). I go 2 Sri Nobel n I am in Form 1. My B'day is on 11 Sep. My fave colours r pink(obviously) n purple. N i like 2 play sports. My fave sport is basketball, ice skating n rollerblading. My hobbies r reading, singing, goin on9 n playin sports. Lets c wat else... O yeah I also like 2 laugh alot n my frens sometimes think Iam crazy b/c of tat. My rents say tats b/c I am a joyful child. N I am d eldest which is reali irritating cause I always hv 2 do everything n I h8 tat. I hv 2 sisters who r reali naughty n I always get d blame b/c of them. N they both fight over everything n they r so annoying!!! O n My fave sub is Eng n Art. I also play d piano. N I am a formal student from Sri Sempurna I mis tat skool... Okay... I think I am done now .

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