Monday, November 16, 2009

Awards Day

Hey guys!!!I went 2 my youngest sister's graduation concert a few days ago.She was participating in it n she was so... CUTE!!! Seriously!!! She was dacing n when she danced she was adorable!!! A few days l8 was my Awards Day. N it is fimally over n so is my voice... well nearly  xD.  Iam so glad tats over.D musicians who played d song were brilliant n so were d people who sang d solo. I wish I had tat part tho lol. It was a blast everyone clapped 2 d beat of d song while we sang I nvr had tat much fun b4!!! After all tat my BFF, Janelle, came over 2 my house. We exchanged news bout old times n gossiped a little while my 2 sisters destroyed my room  without me knowin.:s Jan also helped me do my Myspace which my rents finally agreed on letting me hv it. So happy!! :) 
N as I am typing this my sisters r doin somethin with my mothers perfume which I can smell fr here.N is givin me a headache so I must go now 2 check on themn 2 rerst my head. BB!!  

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Moon

Hey everybody!!! New Moon is comin out real soon n I cant wait 2 watch it!!! Also rumor is tat Taylor Lautner n Taylor Swift r goin out!!! Oooh n tat Twilight part 3 a.k.a Eclipse is comin out next year!!! I cant wait 2 watch both movie's b/c its not only cool its also b/c Taylor Lautner is in it n he is so... HOT!!! Haha lol. But Iam also feeling a bit nervous b/c I am in d school choir n I hv 2 sing on Awards Day!! N its in 3 days!!! Hello? Nervous here. But also a little excited. I now its not tat a big thing but still singing in front of everybody? * shakes head*  Its a bit nervousing ( no idea where tat came from) :s K I gtg now until next time...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

All About Me

I am Amanda Lim and I am chinese. My nickname is Mandy or Aman ( my frens like 2 tease me bout tat). I go 2 Sri Nobel n I am in Form 1. My B'day is on 11 Sep. My fave colours r pink(obviously) n purple. N i like 2 play sports. My fave sport is basketball, ice skating n rollerblading. My hobbies r reading, singing, goin on9 n playin sports. Lets c wat else... O yeah I also like 2 laugh alot n my frens sometimes think Iam crazy b/c of tat. My rents say tats b/c I am a joyful child. N I am d eldest which is reali irritating cause I always hv 2 do everything n I h8 tat. I hv 2 sisters who r reali naughty n I always get d blame b/c of them. N they both fight over everything n they r so annoying!!! O n My fave sub is Eng n Art. I also play d piano. N I am a formal student from Sri Sempurna I mis tat skool... Okay... I think I am done now .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Best Friend

Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
She knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
She listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.

Not once did she interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
She understood what I was going through,
And promised she'd stay long

I reached out to this friend
To show her that i care
To pull her close and let her know
How much I need her there

I went to hold her hand
To pull her a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
Was nothing but my mirror.

From Me 2 My Best Fren Jan


Happily floating
A feather on the wind
Affected by the slightest breeze
But a well rounded friend

Bouncing from place to place
Never a focused thought
Going where life takes them
With a trust that can't be bought

When pain threatens to pop them
Or they constantly fall down
Inflate them with kindness
And they'll always be around

Hovering closely
Never the annoying pest
A bright, light of hope
That brings out people's best